托笔·伊迪(Toby Eady):祝贺中国出版集团在国际项目上取得的成就


托笔·伊迪 Toby Eady








Congratulations to CPG’s Achievements of International Projects

As a leading publishing group in China, CPG, with its ‘icebreak er ’ thinking , has set some remarkable historical records for Chinese literature to be noticed in the world during my consulting work with them over the last ten years.

CPG is constantly developing its unique international forums, which have been held on worldwide stages such as the Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) and the Frankfurt Book Fair(FBF). By sending copyeditors to learn and experience publishing practices in the West, CPG has created a stable team for its international book trades, encouraging its editors to cooperate with Western publishers so as to bring Chinese writers to both Chinese and English language markets.

They learn from every market, as happened with the Chinese author Yu Dan, whose work I have presented to over twenty countries; the French sold 160,000 hardback copies of her book, way ahead of America and England.

In 2014, CPG hosted an International Literary Translation Conference in Qingdao. Most of the Western participants spoke Mandarin. This is yet to happen in the West. It was a brilliant, intelligent move, and it also showed an understanding that English/American is not the only language in the world to be translated into. French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian, Scandinavian languages, Japanese and Korean are all just as important in my experience of getting Chinese authors published. CPG might be one of very few Chinese publishing groups who understand that the key for all Chinese authors in foreign languages is the quality of translation. A truly qualified translator understands the meaning of Chinese, can make the book come alive, and not sound as if it is in a university library.

My experience over 25 years is that Australasia, Singapore and Hong Kong are the big markets for Chinese authors in English. Chinese publishing is moving at its own pace into the West and South America, and I look forward to seeing how its market will develop further and further.

Toby Eady Associates

Literary Agency

Established in 1968, Toby Eady Associates has a long experience working with an exciting and diverse group of international writers. We handle Fiction and Non-Fiction for adults.

Toby Eady Associates has a thirty-year track record of getting Chinese authors translated and published around the world.

It selects each book with care and works to get it published with commitment, passion and imagination.


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